Bridging worlds through music is the power of Lalu – review of “The Fish Who Wanted To Be King”

Author Benedetta Baldin - 5.11.2023

The progressive subgenre is such a vast universe that sometimes it’s hard to find bands or artists that can capture purely its essence, but you need to look no further. Because the French band Lalu has just released their fourth album, “The Fish Who Wanted To Be King”, and before you press play, please fasten your seatbelt.

“The Fish Who Wanted To Be King” transports the listener to a multitude of places, both real and surreal. The music has the power to immerse you in the digital world with its electronic elements and then bring you back to the real world with its raw emotion and storytelling. It also dives deep within us, touching upon the depths of human experience and emotion.

You will find yourself inside a computer, then Damian Wilson will narrate to us a fascinating tale of courage, resistance and change, but why stop? Let’s dive inside our bodies and DNA before making a quick stop to the UK and then back in history. The thing is, you won’t be tired after all these trips. You will be empowered; you will feel refreshed and understood. Lalu invites you to explore the depths of your own imagination while experiencing boundless creativity.

Vivien Lalu and his band members have taken a step forward with “The Fish Who Wanted To Be King”. This is a record that will not only resonate with their existing fans but also captivate new listeners who appreciate the artistry and innovation that progressive music can offer.

Hopefully, my words have convinced you to take this journey through life and time with Lalu. It’s an album that demands to be heard, experienced, and cherished. What is the harm in trying? Oh, yeah, you surely can’t be the same after you listen to it.