Biff Byford of Saxon has been operated to the heart and now shares his condition

Author Benedetta Baldin - 31.8.2024

Frontman for Saxon Biff Byford had a “procedure” to cure atrial flutter, an arrhythmia, which is an irregular heart rhythm in which the heart beats excessively fast in the upper chambers or atria. Dr. Jane Caldwell, a consultant cardiologist at the private Spire Hull and East Riding Hospital in Hull, East Yorkshire, UK, carried out the procedure.

He has shared the following on social media:

In an interview with Full In Bloom from December 2021, Biff mentioned that he had made some small dietary adjustments in the two years following his heart attack and subsequent emergency triple bypass surgery.

I don’t eat dairy anymore. I suppose I’ll eat an occasional piece of cheese, but I don’t eat dairy anymore because of the cholesterol level thing. But pretty much [everything] else, I haven’t really changed. We’ll have a veggie week some weeks where my wife will just put vegetarian food all week, which is a bit of a change, really, and it gets rid of toxic things in your body. But I haven’t really changed that much, to tell you the truth.

He is also doing the 16:8 intermittent fasting.

I will do that. I mean, I did do that today, actually. I didn’t have lunch until 2 o’clock and I’ll eat dinner at 7:30 and then I try not to have anything else until the next day. So most of your fasting is done while you’re asleep; that’s how it’s supposed to work. What you try and do is eat all your meals in the eight hours. Don’t go stupid. And then if you go to bed at, say, 11 o’clock and get up at eight or seven, then you had nearly eight hours in bed. A lot of people do it. It’s quite positive. I think it’s a bit easier than some diets. “If you don’t eat until the morning until quite late, you definitely feel a hit of energy. And you’re also quite hungry, so you appreciate the food [that you are eating]. Keeping to it is difficult sometimes, obviously. You want a glass of wine or you want a beer or something; you’re always being tempted with these things.