As Marilyn Manson begins to embark on a new chapter in his music career, another accuser has surfaced

Author Benedetta Baldin - 17.7.2024

While Marilyn Manson is resuming his music career, another victim has come forward, claiming that the singer groomed and sexually attacked her several times in the 1990s. A judge has ordered that the allegations of underage grooming be removed from one of the judicial documents. Bianca Allaine Kyne officially exposed her identity for the first time in relation to her two lawsuits against the singer, claiming that she felt “empowered” to do so following a recent verdict in one of the cases. According to Rolling Stone, Kyne claims Manson exposed her to “horrific” torture in New Orleans in 1995 when she was 16 years old, and again in 1999 on Long Island and in upstate NY.

No longer a nameless victim, I stand before you as Bianca Allaine Kyne, a survivor. Today, I reclaim my voice, a voice stolen for far too long. Warner [Manson’s legal name] exploited his power and twisted influence to coerce me into his dark desires. The young girl he groomed in Louisiana became a victim of his perversion in New York.

Howard King, the singer’s lawyer, described the charges as “vicious lies” and a “shakedown” attempt against Manson.

Brian Warner does not know this individual and has no recollection of ever having met her 28 years ago. He certainly was never intimate with her. She has been shopping her fabricated tale to tabloids and on podcasts for more than three years. But even the most minimal amount of scrutiny reveals the obvious discrepancies in her ever-shifting stories as well as her extensive collusion with other false accusers.

Warning: the following text contains graphic details.

In her initial lawsuit against Manson, Kyne claimed that the musician tricked her into joining him on his tour bus after a concert in New Orleans in December 1995 while she was still 16. Kyne claims that he complimented her on her artwork before kissing her, “biting her breast” and subjecting her to “oral copulation and penetration.” A second incident occurred in New York in April 1999, just after she turned 18. She claims that Manson pressured her into having intercourse in both Uniondale and Buffalo, NY, just a few days apart. Since Kyne filed her complaint in Nassau County, NY as a “Jane Doe” in January 2023, various developments have impacted the singer’s ongoing charges. According to Rolling Stone, Kyne voluntarily transferred her complaint alleging childhood sexual assault from New Orleans to a different Louisiana lawsuit last December. Then, on July 5, the judge hearing the New York lawsuit dismissed Kyne’s 1995 Louisiana claims against the singer. The 1999 charges of “intentional infliction of emotional distress,” which Manson attempted to dismiss, were upheld when a court dismissed the musician’s request. The judge also ordered Kyne to remove all reference of the allegations of grooming and sexual assault as a kid from the “Factual Background” of the New York complaint, as well as any mention of the artistic sketches Kyne claims to have shown the rockers while a minor.

For years, I lived under his shadow, paralyzed by fear. But that fear no longer controls me. It has been replaced by an unwavering pursuit of justice. I stand tall, unafraid. This is not just about my personal story. This is about exposing an industry that prioritizes profit over the safety of vulnerable young women.

Kyne’s allegations against Manson are among several legal filings in recent years. Multiple women have given detailed descriptions of various sorts of sexual and physical abuse they suffered at the hands of Manson.