“360 Degrees Of Separation” is the working title of Adema‘s fifth studio album, which they want to have recorded this year. In an interview with Headbangers Mexico earlier this year, Tim Fluckey, the guitarist and singer for the gold-certified nu metallers, outlined their present goals.
Last year, we signed a record deal with Cleopatra Rebcords, which is a label up here in the U.S. And so all the music is written and done, all the pre-production’s done. So now we are getting ready to go into the studio and record the album here soon. We have a tour coming up, so we’re gonna try to get a lot of it done before the tour, but then probably finish it after the tour — it’s a six-week tour coming up. And so it should be all ready to be out middle of the year, maybe late summertime, we’re hoping. But all the music’s there.
He also spoke about the path that the new music has taken.
We have approached the last few years with that vibe of kind of, like, ‘Okay, what’s the best things that we’ve done in the last 20 years?’ and just try to make sure that we’re doing that. ‘Cause we have a lot of hardcore fans and we wanna make sure that we’re taking care of them. It’s always fun to experiment in music, and we always do that, and we’ve done a couple of records where they were kind of not quite like the first records, but now we’re just really concentrating on just bringing out the Adema sound and making sure, like I said, all those things are [there], when it comes to the groove of the songs, to the lyrics of the songs, to all that stuff. So we’re excited about having a new album out.