Adema signs with Cleopatra Records and announces a new album for 2025

Author Benedetta Baldin - 28.6.2024

In a recent interview, guitarist and vocalist for Adema Tim Fluckey discussed the departure of Ryan Shuck, the band’s previous singer who joined the group in 2019.

I don’t know if I would characterize it as a divorce. And Ryan — I’ll start by saying we wish Ryan and Amir the best, for sure. It’s nothing like that. And there’s maybe a kind of a divergence of —and he can say what he wants to say — just kind of things like… We knew from the beginning, let’s say, that he was in another band and that he was helping us out, and that we needed somebody in the band, including Amir, to be around. And for people don’t know Amir was in Orgy with Ryan and they’ve been partners for years. And they don’t just do music together; it’s kind of definitely a package thing. But it just came to a point where, and even in his own words, he knew that it was somehow temporary. We just didn’t know how temporary. And so it just came down to our band was heading in one direction as far as how we wanted to do what we’re gonna do — like massive amounts of touring, get these new songs out and take advantage of what our band’s about. And then his band was doing his thing. And it really was one of those things, we just [went], ‘Do we do this now or do we do it six months from now? Do we do it two years from now? And so it was just pretty much, ‘We’re doing it now.’

They also discussed about the new music of the band and a probable release date.

We’ve been writing music for years now, and so we have a bunch of music. But also it was logistics of kind of putting it out. As soon as we parted ways with Ryan, we signed a record deal. And so we’re on a timeline to do a record and get it done, and like any other record deal, get it out there. And so we’ve been sitting on a lot of music. And so we kind of focused on the timing of the Ryan thing and we were focused on the tour that we just did. And then now that we’re back, we’re doing some one-off shows. But most of what we’re doing is concentrating on just getting this record done and making sure it’s the best thing we can do. “Yeah, we’re trying to get it done by the end of the year. I mean, we’re gonna get it done before the end of the year. What happens with us is, we’ve done a lot of independent stuff. And we’re the kind of people, like, if you give us a date or something, then we can do that. We’ve always been able to do that. We somehow become organized and become the best pre-production band in history. But then when it’s just up to us, we’re, like, ‘All right. Okay. Next week. Well, two weeks.’ That tends to happen. I think probably most people do that. So now we’re actually excited to have an actual deadline. You don’t want normal people in a band, because that would be boring, that have normal habits and can actually function all the time, but when it comes to that, you kind of wanna be told, like, ‘Hey, we’ve gotta get this done.’ So, yeah, we’re capable of that, I guess, is what I’m saying.

And obviously, under which label the work will be published.

Well, it hasn’t been officially announced, and I said something on a radio interview last week that went up on Blabbermouth in, like, four minutes. But I don’t think it’s that big a secret. It’s Cleopatra, and this is the first time I’ve announced it, so I’m sure that will be announced. We’ll see if they’re cool with that or not. But I’m sure they’re fine with it. So it’s Cleopatra.

More details about the upcoming album:

I don’t know if everybody knows, but everybody in the band is original members. So we really want it to be just an all-in Adema record where everybody goes, ‘That’s Adema.’ We’ve strayed a little bit over the years, ’cause we had different members, but I think now that we’re back together, it’s gonna be back to those days of the real Adema sound. On the new one, I will be [singing lead vocals], yeah. We’re done picking singers. We’re terrible at it.