According to Kelly Osbourne, her child is “not scared” of his dad’s Slipknot mask

Author Benedetta Baldin - 9.7.2024

The actress claims that despite being unsettling to look at, Sidney, the youngster born in November 2022, finds his father’s visor “hilarious”. The endearing detail was disclosed in response to the query, “Is baby Sidney ever afraid of big Sidney when he’s in his Slipknot masks?” on a recent edition of The Osbournes Podcast.

No. I thought he was going to [be scared of it], and it’s something that we introduced very slowly and we waited until he was at least a year old. But as soon as [Wilson] puts the mask on, he finds it so hilarious. When he sees all his uncles backstage in the masks, he loves it, he’s not scared. But if the Easter Bunny or Mickey Mouse came up to him, or The Grinch, he’d absolutely shit himself. Yeah! He did with Father Christmas. There’s something about the guys in Slipknot that he loves. I guess it’s because he knows the guys behind the mask. I dunno, it’s really cute. He just grabs onto his dad when he sees him in the mask, it’s really sweet.

Kelly also admits in the show that she regrets leaving her singing profession. Her second and final album, “Sleeping In The Nothing”, was released in 2005.

Will I do anything about that regret? I don’t know.