Ultimatum drops new song “Festering Wound”

Author Hernan Osuna - 21.5.2024

Texas-based deathcore unit Ultimatum has released an official visualizer clip for a new track called “Festering Wound“. The song is out now via Total Deathcore.

Commenting on the song, the band states: “The lyrics for ‘Festering Wound’ are kind of a callout of sorts. The song is essentially an anti-cancel culture song made for those who were truly like for sure wrongly accused or convicted of something that ruins that person’s life and/or career only later for it to come out that none of it ever happened. People just trying to tear each other down just because they feel that another person’s success somehow hinders their own. It becomes a festering wound, a cancer to society.

Ultimatum adds: “The band is very much against corruption. Whether that be from greed, lust, gluttony, politicians, false accusations, censorship, whatever it may be Ultimatum will fight against it every step of the way“.

More info: https://linktr.ee/Ultimatum.tx